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Does your calendar look like this?

Don't panic! You are NOT alone. Many people overbook in the hopes of attending a meeting, if only in part to show they are invested in their teams' projects and colleagues' work. Although this is very obliging it is detrimental to your work, your teams' and colleagues' projects, and to the people in the meeting.

If you accept a meeting, the expectation is that you will attend be it by phone, video-conference, or in person, The people in the meeting assume that everyone attending is listening and commenting on topics discussed. Any roadblocks will be addressed in the meeting. Nothing said, project goes forth.


If you cannot attend a meeting because there is a conflict in your calendar, reply with a 'tentative' acceptance and see if the meeting organizer sees this as a red flag to the progress of their project. If it is, a new block should be found.

If you habitually accept and don't attend the meetings, people see this pattern and assume you will not attend and you are not that invested in their work. This can be very detrimental to morale and productivity.

If you are being invited to too many meetings, look inward at your management style and and see if there is a reason that people feel they cannot move forward on a project, even minimally, without your input.


Start being honest with yourself, your teams, and your colleagues about the demands being made on your time. Tell them that you are invested in their work and it is important to you to be available. If every meeting scheduled is needed ask for their help in keeping you updated on their progress (perhaps by a follow-up/meeting recap email) and how you can support them and their teams, assuring good morale and solid productivity.

A frank discussion is rarely unsuccessful but does require some personal responsibility when it is you who is not towing the line.

If all this seems overwhelming, there is help. Executive assistants are available at all levels, from junior to senior and at many employment options. I offer fractional and contract executive assistant services. Pay for what you need.

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